Hangzhou Justone Industrial Co., Ltd.


What is the impact of high temperature on cabin shock absorbers?

Author: admin 2024-06-06

With global warming and the increase in extreme weather phenomena, the impact of high temperature on vehicles and their key components has become increasingly obvious. Cabin shock absorbers are key components for improving driving comfort and safety. Their performance in high temperature environments is directly related to the overall performance and driving experience of the vehicle. This article will explore the specific impact of high temperature environments on cab shock absorbers and provide corresponding coping strategies to help car owners better maintain and use shock absorbers under high temperature conditions.

The lubricating oil inside the shock absorber is prone to viscosity changes in high temperature environments. High temperatures will make the lubricating oil thinner, reduce its lubricating effect, and increase the friction inside the shock absorber, thereby affecting the shock absorption effect and life. Low lubricating oil viscosity may also cause leakage and accelerate the wear of the shock absorber.

High temperature environments will accelerate the aging and hardening of shock absorber seals and reduce their sealing performance. Failure of seals will cause lubricating oil leakage and impurities such as air and moisture to enter the shock absorber, further damaging its performance and life.

Working in a high temperature environment for a long time, the metal parts of the shock absorber (such as piston rod, housing, etc.) are prone to thermal fatigue, which manifests as decreased strength, deformation or even fracture. Metal fatigue will directly affect the structural integrity and functional reliability of the shock absorber.

High temperature will cause the hydraulic oil inside the shock absorber to expand and increase the pressure of the hydraulic system. Excessive internal pressure may cause the shock absorber to fail or damage prematurely, and even affect the normal operation of the entire suspension system.

In a high temperature environment, due to insufficient lubrication and aging of seals, the shock absorber is prone to abnormal noises, such as clicks and squeaks. These noises not only affect the driving experience, but may also indicate serious problems inside the shock absorber.

For vehicles used in high temperature environments, shock absorbers with good high temperature resistance should be selected. High-quality shock absorbers usually use high temperature resistant materials and advanced design processes, and can maintain stable performance under high temperature conditions.

Try to avoid parking the vehicle in the sun for a long time. High temperature exposure will aggravate the aging and damage of the shock absorber and other body parts. Choose a cool place or use a car cover when parking to reduce the impact of direct sunlight on the vehicle.

When driving in a high temperature environment, try to avoid violent driving and sudden acceleration, sudden braking and other operations to reduce excessive impact and load on the shock absorber. Maintaining a smooth driving will help extend the service life of the shock absorber.

The impact of high temperature environment on the shock absorber in the cab cannot be ignored. Problems such as changes in lubricant performance, aging of seals, metal fatigue, changes in hydraulic system pressure and abnormal noise will affect the normal operation and service life of the shock absorber. Car owners can effectively deal with the impact of high temperature environment on shock absorbers by choosing high temperature resistant shock absorbers, regular inspection and maintenance, using high temperature lubricants, avoiding long-term high temperature exposure, driving reasonably and installing auxiliary equipment. Measures such as equipment to ensure the stability of the vehicle under various temperature conditions and driving comfort. Understanding and paying attention to the performance of shock absorbers in high temperature environments are important links for every car owner to ensure vehicle performance and safety.

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